A Very Effective Hornet Trap
It may be close to the end of the hornet season in the Northland but I learned a nice method last week for keeping them at bay.
All last week I was up at Red Lake for some work for my other gig and the hornets were bad. I got stung several times and so did my co-workers. One of them mentioned that while camping recently a friend of his taught him this trick. It's just mixing a can or two of Mountain Dew and about a 5 second squirt of Dawn dish soap. That's it!
This was about 3 hours of the container sitting out. I wish I had snapped a picture of the day before because there were even more.
We were working in a pretty big area so this was not the most effective like it would be at a smaller campsite. Give this a try if they are bugging you yet this year or keep it in mind for next year. Have you tried this one or do you have another method you like to use?