Watching your team win the Super Bowl is priceless.

Wait -- no it's not.

Denver Broncos fan Justin Kerrigan made the trek to Santa Clara, Calif. to watch the Broncos play the Panthers and appeared in an interview with a local news station before the game when he revealed he coughed up $21,000 to make the trip.

The best part? When he clarifies with the astonished reporter it cost 21 THOUSAND dollars and not 21 hundred, he says, "Don't tell my wife," as if this video wouldn't go viral (it did) and his better half wouldn't find out (we'd bet she did because wives find out everything).

Kerrigan also said he expected to pay upwards of $30,000 for the whole experience of being at the Super Bowl. Give him credit for being confident, though, and guaranteeing his team will win.

That's nice and all, but we bet there was probably a guy from North Carolina rooting for the Panthers who could've given the same interview (although not Cam Newton, since interviews are not his strong suit). The only difference is he probably paid more money because it's a longer flight. He should just be thankful he didn't get on TV because his team couldn't even deliver a win.

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