Reindeer are somewhat of a mystery.  Honestly, I don't know how they carry that HUGE rack of antlers around?  We know they are extremely important to Santa and the big job he's expected to do on Christmas Eve.  But, what are reindeer games, how do they stay in shape and what exactly is each reindeer's job?  I had the chance to talk to a "fill-in" reindeer, Zora at Fitger's and she "filled me in"!

Zora is part of the Crystal Collection Reindeer and I was thrilled when Santa told me he had been dropped off by the reindeer team, but Zora had agreed to stay back and be interviewed.  Both Santa and the reindeer will be at Fitger's on December 12-13 & 19-20.  Santa is there for pictures with all ages and pets with donations going to the Northern Lights Foundation and the Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank.

One thing I noticed, none of the reindeer have a red nose, except Rudolph of course.  Reindeer babies are born in the month of April and weigh anywhere from 10-17 pounds.  Zora has really thrived in her lifespan!    Zora's coat is very thick because they grow super warm coats to be able to withstand the cold temps at the North Pole and when flying through the cool December air.

Off camera, Zora did share that each reindeer is important to Santa and DO have specific jobs.

DASHER~Tells Santa the direction of the wind.  If you know that you get better mileage.

DANCER~ Sets the speed for all the reindeer to fly. Wouldn't want to get a speeding ticket!

PRANCER~ Leads the sleigh around clouds. Seriously, it's like the thick morning fog we drive though on Northland mornings!

VIXEN~ Keeps them on course, of course!

COMET~ Uses stars to guide the sleigh to land. He's always been interested in astronomy, hits up the UMD Planetarium every chance he gets.

CUPID~ Watches the sacks of toys and candy so they don't lose any while flying.

DONNER~ Is in charge of morale and keeps the team's spirits high.

BLITZEN~ Is an accountant of sorts and checks Santa's sack of letters from children across the world.

RUDOLPH~ Uses that popular nose to guide the reindeer and the sleigh on Christmas Eve.

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