Duluth Huskies to Host a Second Hot Stove Night
Now that the madness of March Basketball is over, we are free to focus on the wonderful springtime sport of Baseball. The Duluth Huskies are getting ready for the 2017 season with another Hot Stove event! There are always a few good indicators that Spring has arrived in the Northland. 1. The local ice cream shops are open. 2. The street sweepers are out. 3. The first "salty" makes it's way into the harbor. And, 4. We get to start talking about Huskies Baseball. Because if you've lived in this area for any amount of time, just because the calendar says "Spring" that isn't always the case.
On April 26th, from 5:30-7:30, stop into Carmody Irish Brew Pub on Superior St. for some great food, company and of course, baseball conversation. Tickets are just $5, that will include one Huskies Ale Beer (while supplies last).
Popcorn and hors d' oeuvres will be served during the raffle that will be going on throughout the night. Members of the front office will be on hand to answer any questions about the upcoming season and the various promotions that they will have this summer.
There is truly nothing like taking your kids to a classic game of baseball in the summer to be able to bring yourself back to your own youth. Before everyone had their faces glued to a screen of some sort. Don't get me wrong, technology is great. If it weren't, you would be reading this right now. I'm just saying that, maybe we need a little more baseball and a little less screen time.
The Huskies 2017 season starts this Saturday on the road. Their first home game is on June 3rd against the Willmar Stingers. Season tickets and Pick 7 Punch Cards are now available. Call 218-786-9909 or email huskies@duluthhuskies.com for more info.