Just as it has been the past few years, the question has been, "Will he stay retired?" Favre-watch has become an NFL tradition in the past few years, and this year is no different. Whether you love or hate the guy, Brett Favre's NFL legend status draws attention every season. With Favre being teamless, this year's speculation zeroed in on teams like Miami in need of quarterback help.

Chatter has been growing about what #4 would do this year, as he started his annual routine of tossing a few passes with the Hattiesburg High School boys. This year, things appear to be different though.

In an interview with WGR Radio, Favre talks about his change of mind:

[In the past] I could easily talk myself into that chip on my shoulder like, ‘Hey everybody hates you . . . .’ and I could motivate myself. I've kind of lost that motivating edge as I've gotten older. . . .It’s that edge that makes the great players great. . . .and I don't have that anymore.

Based on this commentary, it would sound like he has admitted to himself that his career may be complete. At the same time, Favre did jokingly mention he honestly felt as though he were ready to be retired the other times as well. So, is he really done? If a whole season passes without Brett throwing on pads and a jersey, that may be convincing. In the meantime. Favre-watch continues - albeit at a lesser intensity.


Source: WGR Radio

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