Mike Rowe Dives Into Icy Minnesota Lake For Dirty Jobs Episode
A clip popped up on my YouTube suggested videos with a familiar face. Mike Rowe, host of Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs was standing on the ice in a dry suit. He was all geared up to go scuba diving to help retrieve a truck that had gone through the ice.
Dirty Jobs recently came back on the air after a few years off. It ran from 2005-2012 and then was rebooted in 2022.

In the clip, Mike learns about how they go about getting a vehicle out of the lake. He makes some pretty good jokes. He asks what happens if he needs to go to the bathroom and learns he should have worn a diaper. Also suggesting that the truck might have a little water damage.
The video was posted on January 27th, 2024, but I'm pretty sure the video was shot years ago and never aired until now. Mike mentions that he just turned 46 years old. (Mike is 61 now). That puts it at around 2009. Also, the fact that they had 31 inches of ice is a dead giveaway that it didn't happen this year. It's been such a mild winter there isn't ice that thick.
My guess is it's footage that they never had a place to use and brought it forward for a new episode. The vehicles all look dated as well.
Regardless, hats off to Mike Rowe for doing Dirty Jobs, and for doing this rather cold job. He gets some water in his suit and he gets pretty cold. But, Mike actually dove in a hooked up the truck.
His camera crew was pretty brave getting the footage. They had safety lines attached in case anything went wrong. Check out the video and the comments from fans!