Emily Prodinksy, Manager of Fund Development at Tri-County Humane Society, sent me a message a few days ago, about the 50th Anniversary Gala that will be taking place Thursday, May 2nd at the Harvester Square Event Center, located at 539 East St Germain Street in St. Cloud. If you are unfamiliar with this fantastic space, it is located in the same building as the amazing Iron Street Distillery.

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The event will be taking place from 5:30 pm to 9 pm and will include wine and beer tasting, a banquet dinner, a silent auction, and live music.

The big event has some exciting changes this year. Just like 'Wine, Kibbles & Bids' in the past, this big event will help fund the medical needs of TCHS. With the help of fantastic sponsoring businesses, TCHS has been able to ensure that every adopted animal goes to their new home already spayed or neutered. Not to mention the thousands of additional surgeries their medical team performs each year. They hope that the community in central Minnesota will continue to support the pets and people in our area this year.

If you or your business would like to become a sponsor for TCHS, there are many different levels to choose from.

You or your company can be a 'Presenting Sponsor' (Exclusive) $10,000, all the way down to a "Bronze Canary' at $500.


If you would like to help TCHS reach its medical goals this year, they would love to hear from you.

Contact Emily at 320.252.0896, Extension 14; or email Emily at events@tricountyhumanesociety.org.

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