We're big fans of Father John Misty, and  Kiersten's cover of 'Only Son of a Ladies Man' just blew our minds. She's a rare talent, and a beautiful one at that.

Kiersten has been playing guitar for over 10 years, and was recently mentioned in Rolling Stone Magazine. Hailing from the Twin Cities with a recent jaunt in Chicago, Kiersten now finds herself living in the city whose music scene first stole her heart (and ours): Seattle. Her album, 'Candescent' was released last year, and is available for purchase right here. Do it, seriously.

Kiersten says her influences range from Feist to Django Reinhart to Jon Brion, and that she is constantly at work to refine her sound and craft -- it shows. Watch closely, and expect big things from this indie/folk musician with "restless dreams and wandering feet."

Check out her music and more videos on her site. You can also subscribe to her YouTube channel, and like her on Facebook. Now let's look at how pretty she is:

Kiersten Holine Music
Kiersten Holine Music
Kiersten Holine Music
Kiersten Holine Music

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