Meet Phecda, a Suicide Girl from the States who loves dinosaurs, donuts and zombies and tears up when animals die in movies.

Learn more about Phecda and check out photos after the jump.

Name: Phecda
Location: United States

Into: Dinosaurs, video games, donuts, puppies, being in the sunshine, Star Wars and zombies

Not Into: Animal abusers, womanizers, raw onions, snow, dumb broads

Makes Me Happy: The sun, my puppy, zoos, video games, donuts, star wars and cupcakes

Suicide Girls

Makes Me Sad: Abused animal commercials, when animals die in movies, abused animals in general

Hobbies: Video games, running, reading, watching documentaries, skateboarding

Vices: Love. Most definitely love.

SuicideGirls is a community that celebrates alternative beauty and alternative culture from all over the world. Since 2001, tens of thousands of models have submitted millions of photos to their website hoping to become SuicideGirls.

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