REO Speedwagon, Styx, Loverboy Duluth Minnesota Concert Review
Like many people, going to concerts and experiencing live music is one of my favorite things to do. Last night Duluth's Amsoil Arena and a massive crowd in attendance was rocked by some really talented musicians.

REO Speedwagon, Styx, and Loverboy were the line-up for the evening and to me, they sounded as good as ever.
Loverboy kicked off the evening and while the sound didn't seem quite as dialed in as it should have been, they still rocked it. They are one of those bands that people often don't realize how many of their songs they know until they catch them live. While the stage show experience isn't as impressive as other bands, they still know how to crank out the rock and continue to do it well.
Styx is who I was hoping would close out the night, but they played before REO. The reason I was hoping and expecting Styx to be the evening's headliner is because of their impressive show of lights and such. Their sound was spot on and much more dialed in than Loverboy's, and the stage show was impressive as usual.
REO Speedwagon I'll admit is never...was never high on my list to see live. I have caught them many times over the years and never was really impressed. I dig a lot of their music, but until last night didn't care much to see them live again. Maybe it was the alcohol or bumping into a bunch of people I know that got my endorphins going, but more than likely it's that REO was just that good. The sound was on point, there was high energy from the band, and the stage lighting worked well with everything going on. They truly sounded better than I have heard them before and held their own following up after Styx.
If you made it to the show, what did you think?
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