Could Tom Hardy be following in the Stormtrooper footsteps of Daniel Craig? According to the latest rumor regarding Star Wars: Episode VIII, it would appear that the simple answer is yes. And while it’s easy to believe this report based on similarly fun cameos in The Force Awakens, now would be a good time to remind you of the 50 (yes, 50) rumors about that film that turned out to be totally wrong. As always, approach this report with a bit of skepticism, but it may very well be true.

Making Star Wars claims that Tom Hardy has a cameo role in Episode VIII, in which he, like Daniel Craig, will play the role of a First Order Stormtrooper. The report goes even further, providing specific details of an alleged scene between Hardy and John Boyega, which involves the former recognizing the latter from their old First Order training days. Under the impression that Finn is now working as a First Order spy and has infiltrated the Resistance, Hardy’s trooper lets him go. There’s maybe also a friendly butt-slap involved?

Although this is far from confirmed, it wouldn’t be entirely surprising if this rumor turned out to be true. J.J. Abrams included a few fun cameos in The Force Awakens, like Simon Pegg’s unrecognizable alien character and the notable “appearance” from Daniel Craig — whose role in that film was rumored and repeatedly denied for months. So don’t expect Rian Johnson or anyone else from the set of Episode VIII to confirm Hardy’s cameo.

What makes it a little more believable is that Hardy lives in London, and he’s preparing to begin work on the World War II drama Dunkirk, which Christopher Nolan is prepping to shoot in the northern region of France — not too far from Pinewood Studios, where Episode VIII is filming. And as you’ll recall, it was Craig’s close proximity to The Force Awakens set while filming Spectre that allowed him to pop over and film a quick cameo.

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