
13 Unfortunately Placed Price Tags
13 Unfortunately Placed Price Tags
13 Unfortunately Placed Price Tags
Having done our fair share of time in retail, we're willing to bet these price tag placements were all intentional -- probably done by some poor soul about 10 days away from quitting their job. Doesn't make them not funny.
Jean-Claude Van Damme Sings Take My Breath Away in a Coors Commercial [VIDEO]
Jean-Claude Van Damme Sings Take My Breath Away in a Coors Commercial [VIDEO]
Jean-Claude Van Damme Sings Take My Breath Away in a Coors Commercial [VIDEO]
Every wonder what former action superstar Jean-Claude Van Damme has been up to? Apparently working on his singing career and making snow angels in the mountains. In a new commercial for Coors Light, Van Damme attempts to "recreate the ice-cold refreshment of Coors Light" by laying in the snow and singing along to a 1980's song from the band Berlin...
‘Drinking and Driving Is Not Cool’ Say Talking Urinal Cakes
‘Drinking and Driving Is Not Cool’ Say Talking Urinal Cakes
‘Drinking and Driving Is Not Cool’ Say Talking Urinal Cakes
If you’re in a bar in Michigan in the next few days and step into the men’s room to answer the call of nature, don’t be surprised if the urinal talks to you. No, not because you’ve had one too many (unless you have), but because you’re peeing on one of the talking urinal-deodorizer cakes being put in place to remind you not to drink and drive.

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