I've only been to a handful of Twins games at Target Field and for most of those I was on the Budweiser Deck for them.  Regardless of seats at Target Field though, I appreciate the venue because it's decently easy to see the game from most places there.  It's a ballpark that I wish my Grandpa Joe had been able to see, especially since he was such a big baseball fan.

On Friday, August 23rd, I had the chance to once again be planted on the Budweiser Roof Deck, as my brother's hot date for a company party.  Free cocktails, Twins tickets, and free food?  I'm in!

Located in the left field corner, it features a partial roof canopy, bar, and concessions area.  There is also a gas fire pit which even in August was nice once the sun went down to warm up next to.  The deck is awesome, however due to the height and no real wall behind it, the wind can come through there pretty hard and hamper the experience some.  It's also so high up that you're not getting that baseline close-up view.  For me, not a diehard sporting fan, it's great.  The real enthusiasts I know either enjoy it or think it's just okay.  The staff up there is always top notch and very friendly, and the food options while decent, can be lacking in variety.  That just means a short elevator ride though to almost too many concession options.  I'm a social guy at most events these days, from concerts to ballgames, the Budweiser Deck is a good spot for people who like to socialize and half watch a game.

Photo Credit: Joe Danger
Photo Credit: Joe Danger

The Budweiser Roof Deck is typically only available for groups, corporate outings, or family events.  Some individual tickets do open up from time to time however, during the week and you can get information on that by calling 612-375-7454.

Maybe it's not the best view in the house, but it's one that I personally enjoy.  Have you been on the Budweiser Deck?  Did you enjoy it?

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