Whisper Suicide is a an arty, tattooed, pierced babe, who won't tell her where she lives. We get it, we're a little creepy. It's a standard question though, honest. 

LOCATION: I'm lost

OCCUPATION: Apprentice tattoo artist and psychology student.

SIGN: Libra

MY IDEA OF A GOOD TIME: Support local music. Go to a show.

MY PIGEONHOLES: Arty, tattooed, pierced.

INTO: Tattoos, piercings, art, photography, psychology, drawing, music, cinema, films, cards, candy, graffiti, black vodka and lemon, animals.

MAKES ME HAPPY: My friends, good news, gummy bears and candy.

MAKES ME SAD: Animal cruelty.

HOBBIES: Painting, drawing, modelling, and tattooing.

5 THINGS I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: Paper & pen, animals, love, hope, true friends.

VICES: Playing with my cat, playing cards, drawing and painting.

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SuicideGirls is a community that celebrates alternative beauty and alternative culture from all over the world. Since 2001, tens of thousands of models have submitted millions of photos to their website hoping to become SuicideGirls.

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