All Of Us Research Program Celebrates One Year In Twin Ports
The All of Us Research Program takes an in depth look at patients and community members to aid in a national effort to advance the future of medicine. It's about people sharing health data that is added to a database, allowing medical researchers to access it and conduct studies. The studies help to determine how different environmental, lifestyle, and genetic factors impact health and can help find new medical treatments.
Essentia Health is celebrating one year of enrollment in the program, in the Twin Ports. Their celebration is free and open to the public and will include appetizers, learning stations, games, and a chance for you to enroll if you have not yet.
It's taking place on Thursday, September 26th, from 5:00PM-7:00PM at Clyde Iron Works in Duluth, at 2920 West Michigan Street. More information on this event including registration and a link to details on the All of Us Research Program with Essentia can be found here.