Today I went to work on some radio things and on my way there was already hungry.  Knowing better, I went to work without grabbing something and upon my exit was beyond hungry.  I know it's bad when I start getting hangry,  and you wouldn't like me when I'm hangry.

I was going to grab something from Subway as I have convinced my fat self it's a healthier option, but the hunger pains had me turn into Burger King instead.  With only two cars in line I figured it would be quick and it's Sunday and I felt lazy so I knew there I wouldn't have to go in, like at the closest Subway location.  It was not quick, I would approximate my wait time said and done to be around 15 minutes.  The situation was worse because I was hangry.

I received my burger, a selection I made as it was advertised as "new" and it looked large in the photo.  Titled "The Jalapeno King", it was available with chicken or as a burger and the picture had falling out jalapenos, bacon, pepper jack cheese, and green chili aioli sauce.   I went the burger route and ate it way too fast.  To sum it up, it was good, spicy but not too spicy.  It tasted like a whopper with everything I mentioned above on it.  Nothing too different but just different enough to be decent.  Sorry I didn't take a picture, I ate it embarrassingly fast.


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