A good deed should be its own reward. Well, that expression may soon be as outdated as a VHS tape.

Police in Denver have launched a new program in which people who do good deeds are rewarded with pizza gift cards at Papa John's.

Yes, don't be a jerk and you can get free eats. If only life was this easy.

Now, we're not talking doing things like turning in a robber or sniffing out a meth lab. We're talking much more basic things that even a guy running a meth lab can do, like not jaywalking or walking your bike in areas where you're not supposed to ride it.

If cops spot you and reward you for your law-abiding ways, you'll get a $10 gift card good for a medium pizza.

Denver Police Chief Robert White says, "This is a program that we think is extremely important and doing the right thing is something that a lot of times people don’t get acknowledged for."

Officers on foot, Segways and bikes will be patrolling the downtown are looking to hand  out the cards, where presumably the first person not to make fun of them for being on foot, Segways and bikes will receive the goodies.

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