Did You Know A Snowstorm Also Hit Duluth 100 Years Ago On February 22nd?
Duluth got hit with a bunch of snow over the last two days. What I think is even crazier than that, is there was also a large snowstorm that impacted the Northland 100 years ago.
Some say history has a way of repeating itself. Over the last two days Duluth had about 21" of snowfall according to WDIO. We live in the frozen tundra, I get it and I understand it snows all the time. I just find it fascinating that there was also a large snowstorm 100 years ago.
According to Zenithcity, there was over two feet of snow dumped on Duluth on February 22nd, 1922. the snow was non-stop for 24 hours, similar to what happened this time around. A headline from DNT from 1922 read "Snow barage buries Duluth. 'Dig' is slogan". The article also went on to say northeast winds of 50 miles an hour whipped up snow drifts up to 30 feet high, covering homes.
I know we had some pretty bad snow drifts, but I could not imagine them being 30 feet high! Due to all the snow, the Duluth Street railway Company only managed to open its Superior Street line between the West End and Twenty-fourth Avenue East. Of course the storm impacted the state and the bright spot of the story, hundreds of unemployed men were hired by the city to clear all the snow.
Luckily, most roads were open by the 23rd, but still parts of the city remained “a labyrinth of of tunnels and narrow snow-banked lanes". Again, I could not imagine driving through narrow snow-banked lanes. On Park Point, the snow banks were as high as the trolley cars, and the storm had caused a cable on the Aerial Bridge to snap, stranding residents south of the canal.
There is even a very old and grainy picture of tank. Apparently they attached plows to tanks and used that when street cars and trucks couldn't make the grade. You can read the full article here and I still can't get over that a snowstorm also happened 100 years ago.