DTA Holding Public Meeting On Route Changes
The DTA, or Duluth Transit Authority is proposing the elimination of two of it's routes. One is route #20 and it runs from downtown to United Healthcare and Airpark. The other is route #22 which is Lincoln Park to Lakeside. The proposed changes would go into effect on August 25th, of 2019.
Before making this decision the DTA Board of Directors is looking to review public comments. Grant funding is expiring in June for 5 DTA routes and that's why the dropping of these two is being considered. The routes have not been meeting the criteria for ridership and cuts may have to be made.
The public meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 28th, from 4PM-5:30PM at the DTC which is located at 228 West Michigan Street in Duluth. They are also taking public comment via writing, emails, or phone calls. Emails can be sent to planning@duluthtransit.com and phone calls will be excepted at 218-722-7283. More information can be found here.