If you're cooking a big Thanksgiving meal, there is no doubt you'll have some leftovers; perfect for sandwiches, casseroles, soups and more. But how do you make sure that you're storing it properly after the big meal is finished? Here are some tips for storing your turkey day leftovers.

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    Make sure you are sorting and labeling all of your leftovers. you don't want to store your turkey and mashed potatoes in the same container, separate everything into its own covered dish and label it using masking tape and a Sharpie marker. Make sure to include what's in the container and the date you first refrigerated it.

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    Don't fall asleep after that Thanksgiving meal and forget the leftovers on the counter for several hours, you'll want to get them in containers and in the fridge within a couple of hours to make sure they stay the freshest they can. Don't put them in the fridge too quick though, you don't want a bunch of warm food heating your fridge up and risking the other food in it.

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    Now that you've tried your best to preserve the quality of the delicious meal you made, now enjoy it for days to come. You should do your best to finish them up within 3 days, it will really start losing the freshness and flavor if stored much longer than that.

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