Celebrities think they can get away with anything. They usually can. For example, the muscle shirt Dwyane Wade is rocking in the picture above. Even if a regular person had the physique to pull it off, wearing such a painted on item would garner that person well-deserved ridicule. Yet, because he is a famous basketball star, Wade is able to sport it with unabashed pride.

However, even fame can’t protect Lebron James for the fashion mistake he makes in the same frame. Maybe Lebron would call it a leather toiletry bag, or a European carry-all, but we call that a man purse that looks even daintier than usual because James is so large.

James and his man purse ended up losing to Kobe Bryant and the Lakers. While we can’t necessarily blame the handbag for the loss, carrying it as he walked down the tunnel before the game may have been Lebron’s worst decision since ‘The Decision.’

[Via Yahoo!]

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