Summer and the living is easy.  And as the season turns the corner into its second half comes the annual rite of passage: fair season.  This is especially true in the Northland.

From the State Fair to the smaller county and community fairs, attendees pack the grounds - looking for fun stuff to do, good stuff to eat, and chances to see and learn something new.  It's those last two points that are especially important to businesses and agencies, as they use fair season as an excellent chance for outreach.

That's what has the Minnesota Department of Transportation busy.

Visit one of the county or community fairs around the state and chances are you'll see a MNDOT booth ready to greet you.  Along with the take home swag and literature, you'll probably also get solicited for your feedback on any number of transportation issues that affect the state - from spending and budgets to local road construction projects and plans.

This week in particular, you'll find MNDOT at the St. Louis County Fair in Chisholm - near the Ironworld campus.  According to the post on MNDOT's Northeast Minnesota Facebok page, they'll have one of their snowplow trucks on display as an attention getter - from August 3 through August 7.  The event is billed as "The five best days of summer".

In addition to the truck, MNDOT will have staffers on hand, manning the booth, looking for feedback on the planned Highway 169 Corridor project near Chisholm.  The study looks at the prospect of what the future will look for the area that runs near where the fairgrounds are.

In particular, the corridor study is looking at five different intersections along Highway 169 near Chisholm:

  • Highway 169 & Highway 73
  • Highway 169 & Iron World Drive
  • Highway 169 & West Drive
  • Highway 169 & Access Road
  • Highway 169 & 4th Avenue

MNDOT is looking to make a variety of planned intersection improvements.  In addition, a variety of "creature comforts" will be addresses - including pedestrian and bicyclist access.  To see more details about the Highway 169 Corridor Study, click here.

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