Northland Phone Scam Targeting SWLP Customers
Officials with the Superior Police Department continue to warn people - especially customers of Superior Water Light and Power - about a phone scam that is making its rounds throughout the Northland that specifically targets them. This recent scam was first reported this week.
According to the authorities, the scam works like this: Someone falsely-identifying themselves as being with SWLP calls the individual - telling them that their utlity bill is overdue. Then they suggest that the customer has 45 minutes to call a specific phone number (1-800-798-4170) to take care of payment. If they don't make the call, the scammer threatens to cancel their utility service.
Superior Police and officials with Superior Water Light and Power remind customers that this is not the protocol that would occur if you had overdue bills with the utility company. A customer in that situation would be notified through the U.S. Mail long before any termination or cancellation service is scheduled.