More Relaxed Hemp Product Laws Will Go Into Effect In Minnesota July 1, 2022
Consumers who are fans of cannabis-infused gummies, chocolate, drinks, and other products may or may not be aware that only certain and very restricted doses were allowed in Minnesota. As with many things that are legal in one state or not in the other many people got creative and went to other states to get the products they wanted. According to KAAL TV it has been illegal to infuse cannabis into food and drinks in Minnesota until Jul1 2022 when the law will change.
Mason Alt, owner of Retro Bakery in Columbia said to WCCO : "Before one department said this was fine, another department said don't put this in a food product - but it's not a food, it's a supplement. There was this gray zone, and if you talked to any lawyer you get different answers."
It all started back in 2018 when Congress first legalized industrial hemp which is defined as "a cannabis plant with less than 0.3% THC, the ingredient that at a higher percentage could make someone high." in 2019 several businesses in Minnesota started selling snacks and drinks before getting a cease and desist to stop selling their products.

The new law may not contain more than 5 mg of THC per serving or more than 50 mg per package. Alt explained to WCCO:
Five milligrams is what you would get out in Colorado, so that's super exciting, This is an alternative that's natural and gives you a feeling you want to feel, and instead of drinking a beer every hour, you take an edible and you're good for six to eight hour. And as long as you're sticking to that 5mg, you won't have that 'too much' feeling.
With these new laws coming into effect, it will be interesting to see if businesses that sell these products in Minnesota will now have customers buy from them versus going out of state.