Technology has come so far that things that we never thought would be possible in our lifetime are already happening or just years away. The future we never would have imagined is already here.
A terrific opportunity to ask any questions, be shown how to become more tech savvy with a smart phone or other device, and just get more comfortable with technology in general in a relaxed, no pressure setting.
Very sad news out of Japan: According to Mental Floss, Funai Electric, the last company making VCRs has announced that it will cease production of VCRs, “due to declining sales and difficulty acquiring parts.” Though effectively on life support for the last several years, the will mark the true and final death of the VCR, or video cassette recorder. It was 40 years old.
Digital pranksters have struck again. This time with a flaw that impacts Safari and Chrome browsers on most devices (phone, tablet, laptop/desktop). NBC News is reporting the "prank" tricks people into clicking or tapping on links that will crash your browser by overloading them with some code.