As another college football season marches on, another race for the Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year Award is in full force. In the running for this year's award is the University of Minnesota Duluth's head football coach.

The Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year Award is awarded to a college coach in each of the NCAA Division I ranks, Division II, and Division III. According to the voting website, the award recognizes coaches who demonstrate sportsmanship, integrity, responsibility and excellence both on and off the field. The winning coach from each of the 4 divisions will get $50,000 to donate to a charity of their choice, a $20,000 grant to each school’s alumni association, and the Coach of the Year trophy.

Voting is done via Twitter. You can place your vote by tweeting full coach name, full college name, @lmcoachofyear, #COTY2012 , and If you'd like to vote for Coach Nielson, like I have, you can either retweet my vote (here) or paste this message into a tweet of your own:

I vote Bob Nielson of the University of Minnesota Duluth for @lmcoachofyear #COTY2012

The website gives real-time updates on what coaches are getting votes, as well as where coaches rank in the voting.

Click on the photo to see real-time votes.


You can also track, in real time, who leads in the polls by clicking the button below. At the time this story was written, Coach Nielson was floating between #6 and #7 in the Division II voting.

Get your vote on, and good luck to Coach Bob Nielson!







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