Considerations For A Smooth Minnesota Deer Hunting Opener
Minnesota's Rifle Deer Season for 2022 kicks off on November 5th. In just over a week at the time of writing this families and friends will be gathering at deer camps.

For many it's a tradition to they have participated in for years. The night before opener where we hunt is usually chaotic and loud with a lot of booze and so much BS you could float a canoe on it right out the deer shack door.
While plenty of fun comes with deer season, there are some things to consider that might make the whole experience a little smoother.
Get your Minnesota Deer Hunting License early
Don't be the person waiting until the night before to pick up that deer license. That's usually when the lines are longest to get one and if you're itching to get to deer camp, you won't want to spend too much time waiting your turn. Also, know what hunting zone you are in, in advance. I've been in line behind those people before who have to call someone to ask because they didn't look in advance. That's extra odd to me too because most places selling licenses have maps you can reference. The Minnesota DNR has a slick interactive deer permit area map that makes it easy to know your zone in advance.
Buy enough beer for deer season opening weekend
Having plenty of beer, booze, or even your favorite non-alcoholic beverages on hand for opening weekend is always a good idea. It's maybe not such a chore if your hunting camp is near a store, but even then, having to go reload on supplies is a pain. I always bring more than I could possibly consume so it saves a trip, and then I'm prepared for the couple of my siblings who show up with hardly anything and always want to bum a beer. You know how much you can drink, so plan accordingly. Also, don't be the person who just leaches off everyone else all weekend.
Clean and shoot your deer rifle
I know many guys who don't ever shoot their deer rifle unless they are shooting at a deer. They are the same ones that rarely clean their firearm. Shooting a few rounds prior to season is a good idea to make sure everything is working right, including your scope. If it's been forever since you have cleaned it, either do it yourself or take it to a professional. We've had sonic cleaning done at Dead on Arms in years past and could not believe how clean the rifles were after.
Buy fresh ammunition for deer season
If you can find a box of the caliber and type you prefer to run, snag it up. I know several guys who have the same box of ammo that's 10 plus years old because they are that cheap and clearly don't shoot often. When properly stored ammo can certainly be okay for a long time, but if you do happen to see that deer, you want to have the best chance at not hearing your rifle just click.
Check your deer stand before deer season starts
If you're rocking a built by you wood tree stand, try to get out to it before you climb into it on opening morning in the dark. This is especially important if you haven't been in it since the previous year. Check for rot, stability, and make sure you won't fall through the floor.
Those are the main things I consider before each deer season and that covers the bases pretty well for me. What is on your list?