Duluth And Superior Ways To Celebrate Your Pets
Pets, do you have any? Most people or families have some kind of pet. Dogs and cats are probably the most popular followed by small rodents, turtles, fish, birds, or maybe something a bit more exotic.

No matter the pets you might have, you know they certainly become a part of the family. The animals we call "pets" end up being best friends to many of us, and a cornerstone of the family group. Because they mean so much to so many, it makes sense a day was started to honor them. It's National Love Your Pet Day, and for 2023 it lands on Sunday, February 20th.
It's obviously a day to give your pet the spotlight (like you don't do that every day anyway) but maybe to do something extra special. What are some things you can do for them though, around the Twin Ports when it's cold out?
Spoil your pet
Maybe your pet is used to the same treats or foods every day, consider getting them something special for Love Your Pet Day. Dan's Feed Bin in Superior, Wi has a great selection of various treats and goodies for all kinds of pets, so swing in an get your animal family member something special to snack on.
Take your dog to the dog park
Okay, so this one is dog specific, but there are some great options around the Twin Ports for taking your dog to the park. There are four listed in Duluth and one in Superior at Duluth Dog Parks which are all free and open to the public.
Adopt a new pet
Maybe you have a pet but want another, or maybe you feel like it's time to add a new family member. Consider adoption before you go to a breeder and spend a lot of money. Adoption is also a great way to save an animal's life, so visit a place like Animal Allies and take home a new buddy.
However you choose to celebrate your pet, make it a special day for them even if it's something little. It doesn't take much to spoil most animals with their favorite treats.
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