Duluth MS Walk Is Virtual This Year
Many events are either being cancelled or postponed with social distancing and shelter in place orders due to COVID-19. A lot of fundraising events are pressing on though in virtual ways.
On Saturday, May 9th, Walk MS: Duluth 2020 will be pressing on but with some changes. Instead of everyone meeting in one place for the walk, it will be virtual. So you can still participate whether on your treadmill at home or by being socially distant on a walk around your neighborhood.
You can still build your team while challenging friends, family, and co-workers. Fundraising too is key as in non-virtual years, it's all to raise money to help the cause. You can get more information on the event, registering, donating, or volunteering by clicking here. This is another good and healthy activity the whole family can focus on during these different and often stressful times.