I Had Some Side Effects From The COVID-19 Vaccine
Many states are now opening up vaccination for COVID-19 to almost anyone that's over the age of 16. While there will be several individuals who are choosing to not get one, a good chunk of the US population will be.

There are of course a couple of options for vaccines, the two that are most common at the time of writing this are the Moderna and Pfizer. I had the Moderna shot and while my side effects weren't horrible, there were some.
On the first shot, I had some soreness around the injection site followed by stiff and achy muscles in that arm. Several hours later, that moved across my back and to the other arm, which was uncomfortable but tolerable. The second shot hit me a little harder. Within a few hours I didn't have a fever, but my whole body felt warm. Then came a headache that was decently piercing. My lower right eyelid also started to twitch, to the point where I could see it in the mirror. Those symptoms lasted about 12 hours. The following 4 days, even with great sleep at night I felt exhausted. I even loaded up on the caffeine one day and it didn't help the cause.
For me, it wasn't that bad and was managed fine with Tylenol. I know others have had it worse, including the love of my life who ended up unable to move in bed for half a day after having the Pfizer shot. Regardless of the side effects, the experts still say it's better to get vaccinated than not. If you're on the fence about getting vaccinated, you can check out some facts and myths about it right from the CDC website HERE.
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