Free is always good, right?   A free concert is even better!  Coming up this Friday night UMD will be hosting a free concert in it's Weber Music Hall.

The School of Fine Arts "Rainbow Connection Concert" is not only free but doesn't require any registration either, so keep in mind that you may want to get there early to ensure you get the seating you want.  I'm not sure how quickly these fill up, so better to be early than late.

The show starts at 7:30PM this Friday night, the 14th, and doors of the Weber Music Hall open a half hour early with seating, first come, first served.  Weber Music Hall's physical address is 1151 University Drive located at the Main Duluth UMD Campus.  You can get more information about this free concert by calling 218-726-7361 and can get more information online here.

Not only is a free concert good, it's a free concert on a Friday night.  Hard to go wrong there.

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