Sammy Hagar has unveiled a new video for "Affirmation," one of the tracks from his recently released album Space Between. The clip, embedded below, is one chapter of a short film that ties together all of its tracks under the record's concept.

The film, called Space Between: The Affirmation, follows the story of a man who gets caught up in his greedy ways. But by the time of "Affirmation," the the ninth chapter of the movie that corresponds to the second-to-last song on the record, his lifestyle, which includes cocaine use, is affecting those around him. It was directed by ZZ Satriani, the son of Hagar's Chickenfoot bandmate Joe Satriani, and also features footage of Hagar's band the Circle in the studio and onstage at the Troubadour in Los Angeles.

"I gave (Satriani) a whole bunch of money and said, 'Go crazy!'" Hagar told Billboard, where the clip premiered. "The reason I like this movie is it gives the album more legs. It's not just a record, and when you see this movie you're gonna go back and listen to the record and go 'Oh!' It elevates your listening and viewing experience."

Hagar has said that Space Between could be his last album, but he's been so enthusiastic about this project that he may make another. He added that, if he does, he'll pick up where this concept ends.

"Once you're elevated like that, if I make another record it's gonna start at Chapter 11," he continued. "Why not? I really think it's an important statement. I think it would be exciting to find out what happens to a guy who has it all, loses it all, blows it, then comes back enlightened and starts over by trying to build it up again. We can see what he does with his money and his energies and his abilities to do something better with a second chance."

As of now, he's unsure of how he plans to distribute the movie, although he said he'd ideally be able to screen it at film festivals and give it a bigger audience via Netflix or a similar platform.

"I just want people to see it," he said. "It's expensive and self-indulgent as hell, but I love it. I want to have something to say; Even if it's just purely how I feel about the world, I'd rather do that than just make up some silly shit. It's the first time I've ever tried to do something deep. It makes me look forward to playing every night, and I'm excited for the first time in a long, long time."


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