Audience To Chose Short Film Festival Winners
Going into it's 14th year, the annual Short Shorts Film Festival is happening this weekend. Hosted at The Underground Theater, this festival features films that are all five minutes or less. It's also the only Northern Minnesota Short Film Festival which in itself is pretty cool.
The 15 finalist have already been selected by a panel of judges and the festival was open to professional and amateur filmmakers, but not just local, filmmakers from all over the world. To me, the best part about this event is the final top three winners are chosen by the live audience. Winners walk away with cash in hand too.
It's this Saturday, February 16th, 2019 and starts at 7PM at The Underground Theater located at 506 West Michigan Street in Duluth, Minnesota. Tickets are just $20 and you can get more information about this Short Short Film Festival by calling 218-733-7555 or by checking out the Duluth Playhouse website here.