How Can You Celebrate And Support Earth Day 2021?
Earth Day 2021 is on Thursday, April 22nd. It's all about helping to make our planet a healthier place, and since we live on it, it's good for people as much as it is for Mother Nature.
It's not just a day to think about the planet, it's a day that you can participate in. It doesn't even take a bunch of effort, because everyone doing a little can make a big difference in the end. So what can you do?
For one, you could plant something. It doesn't have to be a tree, think flowers, or even your own fruits and veggies. Growing your own food, even on a small scale actually can help to cut down on fossil fuel emissions as it's less being transported to stores. Speaking of emissions, riding your bike for the day instead of your vehicle can help with the cause. Another way to help out, especially since it's 2021 and so much material is online, think of unsubscribing from catalogs or magazines.
Other ways to celebrate our planet is to pick up trash, this can be in a park, or even just around your home. It's the time of year that the snow is gone and that usually reveals plenty of hidden debris from the winter. Think too about using a refillable water bottle, and also purchasing reusable bags for grocery shopping. It's all little things that again, can make a big difference in the long run. We only have one planet and we need to do our best to help with keeping it as healthy as possible for future generations. You can find out more about how you can help out the cause in the Twin Ports HERE.