Shari Has Surgery, Now What?
I haven't made much mention about this, but at the beginning of March, I had 5 different procedures done on my shoulder. Including repair on two tears inside the Glenoid Labal tendon area, I had arthritis and a bursa so my collar bone needed to be shaved down, and for some reason my bicep muscle needed to be relocated. I don't remember why. Too many medical terms to remember.
Waking up from surgery was a bit of a cold slap in the face realizing how little I could do. I had been fully told and prepared, or so I thought, for what was to come. I had even practiced for several weeks ahead of time, doing everyday things with just my left hand and arm, which did help. But I was still surprised by my limitations.
Anyway, I am on the path of healing and physical therapy, (AKA pain and torture) it's going to be a long road as long as I keep in mind that it can only get better from here, right? In this next edition of Shari & Chris Take on the World, we talk about my experiences with surgery and the healing process.