It's getting close to winter in the Twin Ports and maybe you are like me and have started to get rid of some clutter before the snow flies.  Just because it's clutter doesn't mean it's all junk though.  Maybe you have some older items that have been laying around that you don't really have a use for but feel might still be worth something.

The St. Louis County Heritage & Arts Center is having a free antiques appraisal event with Denny Mager of Northern Specialty, an expert in antique appraisal, on Wednesday, October 16th.

You may bring up to two items person for identification and evaluation.  If your items are too large or fragile to move, you may bring clear photographs with descriptions of any markings and labels they may have.  It's held at 506 West Michigan Street from 12:00PM-3:00PM and you need to arrive by 2:30PM to register for appraisal.

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