Be The Match Needs Your Help To Save Lives
Be the Match isn't some dating app or platform, though it does work to match potential bone marrow donors to those in need of a transplant.

Every year, thousands of people are diagnosed with blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma. Be the Match, which is owned and operated by National Marrow Donor Program works to save lives through transplant. Not only do they connect donors and those in need, Be the Match conducts research to improve transplant outcomes, help provide support and resources for patients, and partner with a global network. So your donation might just save someone on the other side of the world.
So how can you help out others? It's pretty simple actually. You can sign-up at Bethematch.org, and they will have you answer some questions to see if you are eligible to be on the donor list. From there, you will be mailed a simple at-home swab kit to use and send back to them. If you end up matched with someone your blood stem cell donation or marrow donation could help to save a life, which is pretty cool considering it doesn't take much effort to do that.
If you're thinking of signing up to be on the donor list, you will most likely have more questions than I answered here. Their website is full of information on each of the processes and goes into great detail on how together, we can fight blood cancers.
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