Internet marketing struck again, and sent me to the liquor store for another bourbon to try.  I was going to be smoking meat that weekend anyway, so I had to have something to hang out with while that was going on.  Smoking delicious meats is hard work, over several hours, and something to sip on makes it so much easier to get through.

Fistful of Bourbon is what came home with me from Keyport, and I really didn't know much about it other than they are running a contest for a fist model.  Don't think too dirty, they want a promotional SpokesFist for advertising the product.  Or think dirty, life is more fun that way.

This bourbon is actually a blend of five bourbons.  Now, I don't get all snobby on the notes and such, but the five blended all are unique.  They took a bourbon that is balanced and sweet, one with floral notes, another with warm spices, one with buttery toffee flavor, and finally one with notes of cinnamon and licorice.  That's all fine and good, but the bottom line is, is it any good?

Hell yes it is, for around $25.00 a bottle, it's decent on the rocks, and straight up it's smooth enough too.  I enjoyed it with a good cigar, keeping a close eye on the smoker window of course.  I didn't make any cocktails with it yet, but they of course have plenty of those they suggest you try on their website.  You can also get some more details on the history of Fistful, and even throw your hand in the ring to be the SpokesFist for the company, which pays very well, HERE.

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