Housing For All Summit To Be Held In Duluth
There is an affordable housing crisis in many parts of the Unites States and the Twin Ports area is no exception. Rent prices keep rising and while wages have been creeping up it's not enough to make a difference for everyone.
The Housing for All Summit is a community discussion on solutions to the affordable housing crisis going on in Duluth. It's free and takes place on Wednesday, May 29th, 2019 from 9AM-4PM at First United Methodist Church located at 230 East Skyline Parkway in Duluth. Everyone is welcome and your input is needed to help find solutions to this problem. Lunch is provided at the event and so is childcare. It is put on by the Loaves and Fishes Community and you can get more information about this free event by calling 218-724-2054. You can also email duluthcatholicworker@gmail.com. This is a chance to help make our community better through discussion and brainstorming as housing is a human right.