MPCA Shares Overview Of Minnesota’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions
People everywhere care about climate change for various reasons, but with Minnesota being the outdoors mecca it is with our beautiful lakes and forests for recreation, I feel like it's something we might care just a smidgen more about here.
If you're curious as to how things are going as far as greenhouse gas emissions, what the greatest sources are, what's driving trends, and opportunities for reducing them, the MPCA or Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is having an overview of that and more. Amanda Jarrett Smith is with the MPCA as the climate change and energy policy coordinator and will be giving the presentation in Duluth. Important too is she will be talking about what can be done to help at the local level.
It's Tuesday, May 21st at 11:30AM-1:00PM and is free to attend at the MPCA Duluth office located at 525 South Lake Avenue on the 4th floor. Attendees can feel free to bring their lunch. More information can be had by calling 218-723-4660.