Mental health has been a ever growing topic over the last few years for multitudes of reasons.  One thing that's certain is there needs to be more done to address mental health in our communities.  A resource fair titled "The Improvised Life: Exploring Intersections of Mental Health & Creativity Through Jazz", is happening on Tuesday, May 14th in Duluth, Minnesota.

The resource fair will include a free dinner from 5:30PM-6:30PM which is then followed by a jazz performance and discussion with guitarist Sam Miltich, that is focused on mental illness.  There are option for childcare should you need that and you can get more details on it by emailing  The event is being help at Duluth's Denfeld High School Auditorium located at 401 North 44th Avenue West in Duluth.  More information on Northland Healthy Minds and how they work to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness can be found on their website located here.

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