What Christmas Gift Do You Buy For Someone Who Has Everything?
It's getting closer to the big day, Christmas. I don't do a lot of shopping for this holiday as I only have a few people close to me that I give gifts to. It might be that I didn't grow up celebrating any holidays, it could be that I'm cheap, or maybe it's just because I don't like buying things for adults that if functioning properly should be able to just buy themselves what they want.
We've all given that gift that someone pretends to act happy about, and we've all received that not so awesome gift. While the thought is, "It's the thought that counts", I'll argue and say please stop buying things because you think someone needs something.
I'm talking about that hard-to-buy for person.
The hard to buy for individual generally buys what they want, when they want it and when they can afford it. I have expensive taste and I'm pretty particular in what I buy for myself with a lot of research into it. That's why I tell my mother, for example, to just get me a gift card to Duluth Trading or the Harley Shop. She of course hates that and says "It's nice to have something to open." Well, I can open a wrapped up gift card, can't I?
Gift cards certainly lack the pop of opening larger items all wrapped up, but they are so versatile. Even for the hard to shop for person on your list, you can generally figure out what stores they like. For me, I've always been chubby and clothes never fit right, or I'm particular about materials. So even if someone knows I prefer a certain store, that doesn't mean they know how to buy my favorite work pants there, or even what size I am today. Worst case, if you don't know the stores they prefer, gift cards to gas stations, AMAZON, or other retailers that have a broad selection are a safe bet.
I'm big on this now more than ever with having a 10 year old who gets piles of crap for Christmas that are quickly forgotten. No matter the age, give a loved one the gift of something to really remember. Think of things like concert tickets, range time to blow off some steam and lead, movie night and dinner gifts, or if you're spending a little more, something like a hotel stay somewhere unique. The sky is the limit with giving an experience, and it could be something as easy as preparing that meal of yours they enjoy so much and always rave about.
I have a deal with my siblings that we don't get anything for each other. It might not seem that into the Christmas Spirit, but it's simple. We all save money that way to just get what we want, when we want it.